How is online distance learning working so far? ESF offer 45% discount on this month’s tuition.

Schools in Hong Kong has been carrying online learning for more than half year since the Covid 19 pandemic started. Lots of schools using online tools to help students for their learning, for example, use Google Classroom or Zoom to join classes. This allows students to learn in the comfort of being at home. Some Schools would match the online distance learning schedule same as the real face to face classes. Teachers would be teaching in live sessions with the help of remote software and video conferences. They can hold classes just as like face to face classes, where they can write on the screen instead of the board, engage students, and ask them questions.

Some students love online distance learning as it offers the flexibility, and they are able to re-watch recorded teaching materials that help them to understand concepts better. They can check up on what missing from their own notes as opposite to in person classes where they only hear it once, and have difficulty catching up.

Distance learning opportunity allows students to be more self-motivated, aware of their learning progress, and be independent. They must take their responsibility seriously to organize their schedule and spend time on their learning. They can try to find the answers themselves or ask help online from their teachers. It also saves students time for commute.

However, there are some students prefer in person classes as they think the learning atmosphere is better. Students are more interactive, and they can work in team, and learning with hand on experiences. They find it tiring to look at the screen for hours, have difficult time to concentrate and catch up. Some students prefer immediate help and response from teachers for their difficulties as they think that help them to earn better grades. They love having classes on campus, which allow them to be social, and hang out with friends. Some students think learning at home get distracted easily as they might not be as disciplined and focus on learning.

English School Foundation has taken measure to offer help during the pandemic situation. For this month, this is the second time ESF had offer measure during this year. ESF has decided to offer 45% discount for this month’s tuition fees.  It understands the financial difficulties that lots of families are facing during these months, as well as emotionally.  ESF hope this measure will be helpful for their students and parents.

Students can decide to join to receive this financial help before September 22. ESF also will provide more help for students and parents that struggle during the pandemic period. As of detail, it is still announced yet. As for returning school dates, some students will be back on September 23, as the rest will follow to return on campus on September 29. ESF has decided to keep the five days of mid-term break for next month.